The Women International Partners The Good Way Foundation To Drive ‘Pink Up For Girls’ : A Global Impact Campaign For Girls.

In commemoration of the International Day of the Girl, The Women International in partnership with The Good Way Foundation have launched the 2024 Pink Up for Girls Campaign geared towards ensuring that the rights of girls around the world, regardless of their backgrounds, are upheld. 

As children, women, and men from all walks of life show solidarity for girls round the world by wearing a touch of pink of the 11th of October 2024, the Pink Up for Girls campaign aims to champion meaningful online and offline conversations on the urgent need to break the stereotypes that keep girls marginalised and redefine the future for girls, especially  those in low income communities.

Together with confirmed partners: House of Coco, Pora Films, Medicaid Cancer Foundation, Alpha Fitness, Stand To End Rape (STER), Nakenohs Global, Voice Of The East, Mommy Moves Magic, Her Network and YD Agency, the 2024 #PinkUpForGirls campaign themed: Breaking Stereotypes, Redefining Her Future will achieve:

  • A cross continental participation of 10,000 women, men, children wearing a touch of pink; driving online and offline awareness conversations on the rights of the girl child and how to uphold them 
  • The provision of sanitary care kits for 200 girls and educational scholarships for 100 girls in low income communities through her ongoing fundraising drive
  • Raise and unite champions who make a commitment to redefine the future for girls round the world for the next decade

The Pink Up for Girls Campaign was launched by The Women International in 2021 as #pinkbecauseiamagirl and rebranded in 2023 to #PinkUpForGirls.The campaign has since garnered both international and national attention, reaching over 500,000 people globally and continues to forge alliances that ensure that the voices of girls are heard and that they are equipped with all they need to thrive and build communities. 

In a statement, The Founder of The Women International, Chinny Okoye, stated: “This is advocacy in action and we’re focusing on a mindset shift. This campaign is about raising awareness, breaking stereotypes, and pushing for real change in how girls and women see themselves and how the world sees us too. Let’s change the way we raise our girls and shape their futures. Too many of us were taught that a girl’s ultimate goal is to be a wife, a mother, a caretaker, and while these roles are important, that’s not ALL we are. We are MORE. Girls can be leaders, presidents, CEOs, innovators, billionaires! We need to let our girls know that they can be ANYTHING they want to be. They are enough. It’s time we start raising our girls to believe that success, power, and influence aren’t just for men, they’re for ALL of us!”

This campaign welcomes local and international volunteers, partners, and collaborators and has provided opportunities for individuals and other organisations to get involved.

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